Why Ego Kills Most Companies

Andrew Wood
2 min readJan 27, 2023

Don’t let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn’t go with it. — COLIN POWELL

One of the most comon reasons many companies fail is not poorly thought-out marketing campaigns, the wrong media, poor strategy, or lack of funds.

It’s EGO!

That’s right, ego. Pure and simple human ego destroys more companies, loses more battles, and kills more marketing campaigns than any other factor!

When people make business or marketing decisions that are based on ego rather than a proven plan for the orchestrated accomplishment of clear financial goals, they make poor decisions.

They make decisions based on what they like, not what works!

They make media decisions on what makes them look good to their peers, not what makes the phone ring. “Did you see our ad in such and such place?”

They make misplaced decisions to keep poor-performing staff under the cover of “loyalty” and “caring.” But really, they just want to look good.

They build corporate palaces, monster clubhouses, and ivory towers rather than functional and creative working environments, burdening their organizations with mountains of debt they could easily have lived without!



Andrew Wood

Author & Marketing Legend with over 50 books :I write on: Marketing, Travel, Sales, Success, Biz, Leadership, Golf, Autos, Books, Events www.AndrewWoodInc.com