Member-only story
To Get Rich Specialize in Dirty Laundry!
Now I’m not talking the kind you hear on the nightly news, the kind that Don Henley sang about in the ’90s, or that stuff you read in the tabloids. I’m talking about the boring kind, you know, shirts, pants, suits, dresses, socks, and jackets.
You may think that’s odd advice coming from a marketing legend, but according to the book, The Millionaire Next Door, running a dry cleaners is the number-one way to become a millionaire in the United States. And you thought it was going to Vegas or buying a lotto ticket!
If dirty laundry doesn’t appeal to you, the number-two way was running a print shop. But that may go the way of the video store. Whatever you do, specializing in one thing, even if it’s quite mundane, will rapidly enhance your chances of getting rich!
The vast majority of people I know who are multimillionaires stuck with one thing rather than jumping at every opportunity that came their way. I have friends who made millions with hairdressing salons, a carpet business, a mold business, a jeweler, karate schools, horse training, and used cars.
In every case they stuck with one thing for many years, sometimes a decade or more, to make their money. As soon as they branched out into art galleries, building, and restaurants, businesses they knew nothing about but sounded more interesting than what they were doing, they not only failed, but they also ate up their original fortune in the process! One of them was me.
Stay focused on one thing and do it well. Add residual or side income if you can, but always keep your main focus on your core business!