The Simple Life Hack That Made Me Millions

Andrew Wood
7 min readMay 24, 2024
My car was the piece of shit in the background but I’d have my own prancing horse within a decade.

For a little more than ten years, from the mid-eighties to the late Nineties, I was in the karate business. I built one small school in San Marcos, California, into a national chain of 400 schools, starting with just $5,000 in cash and big dreams.

Along the way, I learned some very important marketing lessons — the kind you only learn firsthand when every single penny you spend comes out of your own pocket and has to produce results for you to survive!

Later, I published my own magazine, owned a catalog company and advertising agency, and built a world-leading software company. While my marketing knowledge increased rapidly along the way, I never forgot the lessons learned in that first small karate school.

Nor did I ever forget that the real goal of marketing is to produce income!

But allow me to share with you how my passion for marketing all started…

All I Ever Wanted to Be Was a Golf Pro!

But one small detail held me back from a career on the PGA Tour: lack of talent! I was good, but not nearly good enough.



Andrew Wood

Author & Marketing Legend with over 50 books :I write on: Marketing, Travel, Sales, Success, Biz, Leadership, Golf, Autos, Books, Events