Successful People Always Have Great Curiosity

Andrew Wood
4 min readJan 8, 2024

No matter what business or profession you look at, the most successful people in any field always have great curiosity. That curiosity is never limited to one area of business or life but to a wide range of everything in which they come into contact.

Albert Einstein was once asked to explain the foundation of his genius. He famously responded, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” All creative people typically display a great deal of curiosity about many things and are constantly asking questions about everything and anything; many have broad interests in many unrelated areas.

How Does That Business Work?

When I first came to America to play golf, I worked at a club in Florida. Every time I met a new member, I would ask where they were from and what they did for a living. This natural curiosity not only helped me bond with the people but also taught me a great deal about many different businesses. I learned about the golf business, restaurants, hair salons, building homes, fixing cars, jewelry, and martial arts. Eventually, I became a gofer for one of the wealthy members and rapidly learned sales and negotiation skills as I continued to question every aspect of his operation. I have never lost that curiosity.



Andrew Wood

Author/Marketing Legend over 60 books: Marketing, Travel, Sales, Success, Biz, Leadership, Golf, Personal Growth, Fiction, Current Events