Member-only story
Managing Your Outlook for Success
There is a little difference in people that makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether that attitude is positive or negative. — W. Clement Stone
Your attitude is like a powerful magnet for wealth. A friendly, happy, and light-hearted attitude creates an environment of good luck. It attracts good people and good things to you. The reverse is also true: a negative attitude will very often push people and opportunities away from you and produce negative results. Since your actions reflect your attitudes, you will not be inclined to make strong efforts to accomplish something if your attitude is negative and you do not believe it can be done.
Many people will base their reactions to your offers on their perceptions of you, the person they are dealing with, rather than your actual product or service offered. The very first indication of what type of service may be offered by an organization begins with you, or more specifically, your attitude, because the delivery of your service begins with the sale.
Attitude is a way of thinking about and looking at the people and things around you as well as yourself. It includes your point of view of the way things are now as well as your expectation of the way things are going to be. Because a solidly positive attitude is the necessary foundation for…