Member-only story
Be The Guy Who Gets The Job Done!
The world is full of people who make excuses, don’t be that guy; make it happen instead and watch a world of opportunities open up for you!
When I was nineteen years old, I worked at the Wellington Golf Club in Florida during the day and at Theo’s restaurant waiting tables at night. One night a customer asked me to get a particular brand of cigarette for him. I took his money, went to the machine, and found we did not have the specific brand he wanted.
As anyone would, I went back and said, “I am sorry, but we don’t have that brand.”
“So?” he said like that was not his problem and in a tone that suggested my answer was the dumbest thing he had ever heard in his life.
“Go get them somewhere else then.”
I did not tell him it was against the rules to leave the restaurant once we had clocked in. Nor did I tell him I did not know where to get them or even attempt to talk him into another brand. Instead, I instantly made a decision that was to shape my life.
I looked around and saw that all my tables were in good shape, asked my fellow waiter Felix to keep an eye on them just in case, and jogged to the 7/11 convenience store and back some four or five hundred yards round trip before anyone missed me.